It used to be that when you worked for an organization, aside from a background check, there was no real way of knowing who you worked with. Was there a sex offender in your cubicle row? Was Brenda from accounting really a stripper on the weekends? Sadly, I have worked with both strippers and sex offenders. Why sadly for BOTH? Well, in case you weren't aware, sex offenders have committed a sexual crime.
Oh you mean the strippers? Well, I don't know if you have had the pleasure of working with a stripper before, but lets just say that the daddy issues often accompany them. They won't think twice about using their assets to score perks on the job. They were paid to do it time and again!
I'm not being judgmental. Somewhere out there, a stripper with a "heart-of-gold" is offended. I am only speaking in generalizations, hun. Keep those necklines high and your nose in your books and we're good.
Thanks to the ever-impressive (and time wasting) internets, you can Google-stalk your way around your entire office. However, the things you will see, cannot be unseen. Be prepared for the consequences of your keywords. It could be eye-opening and scary.
This is a double edged sword, you know. What you think might be hidden in your personal life, could be recreational reading to your co-workers. That weekend in Miami could be watercooler gossip if you are not careful. You think you were cool when you posted the pic of you doing shots out of your beach BFF's belly button, but I assure you, it gets less cool the older you get.
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