Thursday, August 23, 2012

Why are Unemployment Numbers so Shocking to the Media?

I can't understand the news media these days. They act each week as though the increase in unemployment is terribly shocking. I'm curious, journalists, in all your infinite economical knowledge, where is the smoking gun that tells you that the unemployment situation should be improving? Waiting...

From MSN today...
 As someone who has hired and fired people, had a budget (that I had to stick to), and been in the private sector for her entire career, I say that the numbers are NOT surprising. You know what would be surprising? If they showed significant improvement. That would be cupcake worthy!

Where prices aren't stagnant, prices are rising. (Hello? Anyone besides me been to the grocery store and gas station lately? OUCH!) Businesses are consumers too. When overhead expenses increase (energy prices, taxes, etc) or are EXPECTED to increase, there is little motivation to add a position to a firm. In fact, companies will try and automate their way around hiring as much as possible. Even if that investment is greater, initially, than hiring an employee. The goal in business (and the only reason to be in business) is to operate profitably. - I'm busting my ass to find a job where I can slack off.
Good luck, those jobs are really hard to find now!

Anyway, the media is doing America a giant disservice. Instead of researching the economic factors that are stifling employment growth, they'd rather be "caught off guard" when the numbers continue to suck. This isn't news, this is ass kissery at its best. I want to be able to look at a news outlet and get news, not spin.

Journalism used to be a noble career. Now, they are nothing more than used car salesmen(women). I'm not buying.

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